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weapons corridor closeup
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
For 75+ years western powers namely AmeriKa and Britain have funded, supported, and actively participated in genocidal settler colonialism on the land called Palestine and against the Palestinian peoples. The Palestinian people have always fought against the destruction of their land. This is clear historically with groups like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) and the anti colonial actions of Leila Khalid. As well as the first, second, and knife intifada.
These acts of resistance have continued into this decade. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and the Lion Den among many others in the West Bank continue to resist “Israeli” and western occupation. We understand the acts of October 7th to be anti colonial acts of defiance and resistance—the Al-Aqsa flood.
There are many corporations funding and supplying the genocide now. Instead of focusing on the almost total Minnesota governmental support of the genocide—including Walz, Frey, Melvin Carter, Amy Klobachar, Ilan Omar etc— we want to single out those manufacturing in death and destruction: Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and General Dynamic.
This is not an exhausted list. If you feel so called there are numerous military recruiting offices in the twin cities metro area. Continue reading “Action Against Genocide Manufacturers in Mpls/Stp metro”