Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info, received mid-April, 2023.
last friday [April 14th], five fire alarms were pulled at university of michigan buildings simultaneously. the buildings were those with the most students in class, and the action was done in solidarity with the striking graduate students. trans people are being attacked from all sides and it is time that someone raised the alarm. love to every graduate student putting their job on the line for a better world, every u of m member who does not cross a picket line to side with the abusers, and to every queer and trans person who refuses to assimilate. rage at human resources, at scabs, and biggots.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info
in most nation-states around the world, the military spends as much time repressing uprisings against colonial capitalism as it does fighting “foreign” enemies. the united states is no exception, as this brief look at a national counterinsurgency campaign in one section of u.s.-occupied ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ (anishinaabewaki) will show.
as the may-june 2020 uprisings against the police took place, the michigan national guard supported a curfew in grand rapids by maintaining vehicle barricades, boarding up stores, and otherwise giving operational support to city and state police, who beat protesters, shot tear gas, and made arrests. the troops were summoned by the mayor.
they did much the same in kalamazoo, where the mayor also requested national guard reinforcements after declaring a curfew—threatening jail for noncompliance—as his police force tear-gassed demonstrators at point-blank range. in lansing, national guard troops were deployed to similar ends.
many people infected by the u.s. left’s racial, colonial, gendered, and [dis]ableist biases act as if national military forces are different from—specifically, not as bad as—police. this bias is especially easy for u.s. citizens to maintain, since the overwhelming majority of victims of “the troops” suffer and die outside the physical and conceptual borders of the country. but as demonstrated above, elites in the imperial core who believe their positions are seriously threatened call on those same troops when the cops aren’t enough. and on more than one occasion, the army national guard have proven themselves able to take part in lethal repression “at home” when ordered.
this has been written in solidarity with efforts to stop camp grayling.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
On Wednesday February 9, 2023, the University of Michigan welcomed a variety of military and government recruiters into its Career Fair in Ann Arbor. The U.S. Navy, the National Security Agency, and other militaristic organizations, were provided stands to promote US imperialism and occupation– and to recruit many young students to their ranks.
In protest, a series of disruptions against these recruiters took place throughout the day. Multiple people pushed passed the registration desk carrying banners that said “Stop Camp Grayling” and chanting “No prisons, no borders, fuck your law and order”, emphasizing the Army’s plan to expand an already massive and environmentally-damaging National Guard training facility in Grayling, Michigan. The actions converged in a rally outside of the career fair, where protesters chanted “Stop Cop City” and “Fascist, racist all the way, US army, go away!” and passed out flyers to incoming students to warn them against working for the US war machine.
Another group sprayed red food coloring on the NSA and U.S. Navy displays, and were then detained for several hours while the U of M police refused to give information about their whereabouts or status to concerned friends and supporters. They were eventually released, but this just demonstrates how the University of Michigan continues to support the military industrial complex by unlawfully holding detainees for extended time and refusing to provide information on them to outsiders.
We will not stand by while the University of Michigan continues to support and help recruit people into the US military-industrial complex. We will not stand by while the state expands its capacity to brutally repress our communities by expanding Camp Grayling in Michigan and building Cop City in Atlanta.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
last saturday, a crowd of 100 people gathered in front of the merrill lynch office building to share memories, tears, and vengence for tortuguita. the crowd was a militant throng, mostly in black from head to toe. the march took state street and then paraded behind a porsche dealership, which funds the atlanta police foundation. the crowd riotously engaged in expressions of grief, including spray painting fancy cars and slashing the tires of 40+ cars waiting to be sold. signs were left behind at porsche and merrill lynch stating “cop city will never be built” and “you fund police murder”. no arrests were made.
people discussed the cop city project, and how direct action can locally be taken to stop it. was discussed as a resource listing the companies (and the people who run them) who profit off of the murder of tortuguita. lists the companies who fund this murder and desire to fund more police killings of us and our loved ones.
we love you tort, and we will never stop fighting for the world you believe in.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
From so-called Novi, MI:
On the Night of Rage (January 20) the Detroit MI Atlas offices were artfully decorated with acid-etching paint. Hope you had fun discovering that your windows are totally fucked, you shitheads. Atlas, until you stop supporting Cop City, there will be no safe corner for you on Turtle Island.
We did this in Tortuguita’s name. We love you, friend, and will never stop fighting. Love and rage to all those fighting in Atlanta.
-Your friends up north
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
Community members in Sault Ste. Marie mobilized after an apparently small but far-right “Unity Centre” group publicized plans to protest a Drag Queen Story Hour event. The group’s founder, Steve Hunter, published the media release that repeated fearmongering over the existence of queer people, citing other far-right groups such as “500 Mom Strong” and “Action4Canada”, and declaring their intent to protest.
They were met by a much larger crowd of Drag Queen Story Time supporters who protested in front of the library, denying that space to the far right. Police would later separate the groups, having the smaller crowd of far-right protestors stand across the street. The event itself had no reported disruptions or other issues.
These attacks against the LGBTQI+ community are widespread, but so is their unpopularity. In most cases, the bigots are outnumbered by local supporters and the events continue without issue. As our societies have become more accepting of certain aspects of people who don’t conform to hetero-patriarchal standards, conservatives in general sense a threat to the dominance of their beliefs, and desperately lash out to undo these changes. Thankfully they don’t seem to have as much grassroots support as they imagine, but a continued strong rejection of their bigotry will be necessary. We keep us safe!
Local mainstream coverage can be found here:
Submission to Unsalted Counter Info claimed by Jane’s Revenge.
Dear Jeanne Vanegmond,
Your Pro-Birth And Anti-Choice Work At Pregnancy Aid In Eastpointe, Mi Has Not Gone Unnoticed. No Doubt You Know This, As We Left Messages For You There And At 1469 Yorktown St In Grosse Pointe Woods, Your Home. The “Pro-Life” Movement Has Cost Thousands Of People Their Lives And Trapped Even More In Desperate Circumstances They Didn’t Choose. Each Fake Clinic That Still Peddles Their Dangerous And Dehumanizing Lies Is A Threat To The Lives And Freedom Of Pregnant People. Vulnerable Pregnant People Who Need Help Deserve Access To All Of Their Options, They Don’t Deserve To Be Lied To And Coerced Into Making The Choice That You Want For Them. So, As Long As Abortions Aren’t Safe, Neither Are You.
To Anyone Else Reading This: The Anti-Choice Movement Wants A World Where Women Don’t Own Their Own Bodies, Where Their Bodies Are Instead Owned By The State And The Church. But We Can Fight For A Freer World. The Members Of The Anti-Choice Movement Have Names; Their Homes And Businesses Have Addresses. Our Tactics May Not Be Popular With The Media, But That’s No Matter. This Isn’t A Popularity Contest, But A Fight For Our Lives, And A Little Can Go A Long Way.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
Over the past 2 weeks more than 100 trees in and around the proposed camp grayling expansion area were spiked, namely forests managed by the grayling and gaylord department of natural resources. Spikes of various sizes were placed at various heights in red pine plantations (not necessarily marked for cut) and areas marked for cutting. To avoid worker injury we insist that all trees in Crawford, otsega, Roscommon, and kalkaska be thoroughly checked for spikes before cutting. We are very concerned about these worker’s safeties and wellbeings.
To ensure our claims are taken seriously, we have marked a stand of red pine in a dnr managed campground to demonstrate we are not bluffing. The bathroom is tagged and a few trees are tagged with a white s.
These trees were spiked as an opposition to camp grayling and the Michigan DNR. We will not sit idylly while the military industrial complex expands and the world and it’s people are destroyed by extraction.
We urge Michigan department of national resources to reject the proposal to expand camp grayling, to end cooperation with camp grayling, and to give landback.
Please, stop camp grayling and cop cities everywhere