Evil Enbridge out of the Great Lakes! Shut Down Line 5 NOW! A noisy disruption swept through the cocktail reception of the LDC gas forum in Chicago. The 3 day forum consisted of talks from directors and players in the oil and gas industry, hype-ing false solutions like carbon capture technologies, and how to keep expanding the oil and gas industry further while we descend into a world of deeply uncertain futures as climate change reshapes and ravages ecosystems on a global level and biodiversity rapidly declines.
A group of people entered the hotel hosting the conference and crashed the attendee’s welcome reception of the 2024 LDC Mid-Continent Gas Conference. A banner with the words, “Enbridge Out of the Great Lakes, Shut Down Line 5 Now!” on one side and, “Evil Enbridge, Fuck Off!” on the other side was unfurled at the cocktail hour reception. People sang, and chanted with a bullhorn, played instruments, and left messages for Enbridge and other gas companies inside the hotel. After causing a ruckus inside, the group walked outside to the bar’s patio overlooking the Chicago River, and less than one mile from Lake Michigan, to “greet” more LDC conference attendees with noise, banners, and rowdy jeers. One person was arrested by the pigs for allegedly trespassing and released onsite.
Notably present, Enbridge, the pipeline company responsible for moving tar sands from Alberta, Canada to its conglomeration of pipelines surrounding the Great Lakes region, known as the “Lakehead pipeline system” hosted talks and presentations as a major contributor at the LDC gas forum. Enbridge directors even gave a girl-boss presentation named: “Empowering Women in Energy: Tomorrow is Together”, in an attempt to say their industry of death and destruction is at least inclusive to women and anyone else who wishes a oil & gas fueled speedy demise to human existence on this planet
In the Great Lakes region, Enbridge’s Lakehead pipeline system, surrounds Lake Michigan uniquely on all sides, and while the Lakehead pipeline system doesn’t entrap the other great lakes in this same way, it still weaves through them in various dangerous and unstable routes with innumerable areas that have huge potential to contaminate water in the largest surface freshwater system in the world when these pipelines will unavoidably break and spill. Line 5 is poised to do just this kind of irreparable ecocidal damage at any moment in the Straits of Mackinaw and on Bad River reservation land as it continues to transport oil even with its operating permits revoked since 2020.
Lake Michigan is, of course, the source of water used by Chicagoans to drink from, and is the same source of water used by the downtown hotel where this gas forum was hosted. Water from Lake Michigan came out of the faucets that all these oil and gas industry clowns used during their time at the forum in Chicago. Yet somehow Enbridge directors and other gas industry tycoons like to pretend they don’t have to drink this water and they will gladly have bullshit networking forums in tasteless high end hotels next to the shores of the freshwater that gives this bioregion so much life. Even as they plan more half baked schemes to continue the operation of Line 5 and hire far away contractors for foolish tunnel and reroute plans that are doomed to fail.
Evil Enbridge you can’t hide, we charge you with ecocide! From Chicago to Kalamazoo the Midwest fucking hates you!
We encourage more people to take action to disrupt the LDC gas forum in whatever creative and imaginative ways that you see possible. LDC gas forums have more nonsensical plans to host forums in different regions around the so called united states, and people should confront all of them, but especially villainous Enbridge directors, where they host these forums and wherever else they go!
Doom to the pipelines! Doom to the gas forums! Evil Enbridge fuck off!
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.