Middleton Hills Trans Anarchist Collective Reading “Butch Anarchy” and “Intimate Authoritarianism”

Here, we can fully resist the call to attempt to assimilate our identities into the rhythm of traditional, patriarchal, masculinity. We know that doing so would afford us no real safety, and, further, we know that even attempting to do so would be a capitulation to the very system that brutalizes us and so many others in the name of control and “normality.”–“Butch Anarchy,” Lee Shevek

On April 7th, at 10AM, the Prairie Cafe will be encompassed by a wave of reclaimed, bejeweled, healing masculinity (and femininity and nothing and everything and whatever we crave) from the tranarchists of Middleton Hills. We will be discussing two short texts by Lee Shevek–“Butch Anarchy” and “Intimate Authoritarianism”–with a focus on ways to shatter patriarchal and abusive dynamics through an anarchist understanding of their structures and violatory nature, as well as how the restraining ownership of who can be masculine and what masculinity can be shattered and masculinity repurposed as something to enjoy and share in a way that is uncontrollable, liberatory, and loving, inherently destructive to all patriarchal dynamics with its warming venom.

Butch Anarchy: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/lee-shevek-butch-anarchy
Intimate Authoritarianism: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/lee-shevek-intimate-authoritarianism
Our website: https://linktr.ee/tranarchymiddletonhills

Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.