Early one December morning in so-called “Kalamazoo, Michigan”, four humans dressed in black crept under the light of golden arches, posters and spray paint in hand. They set out to disrupt people’s genocide-flavored morning coffee. Rollers oozing wheat paste, they splattered signs which read, “McDonald’s supports genocide”, “Free Gaza River to Sea”, “Hungry for Freedom”, and other messages onto the driveway menus, windows, and the speaker box. They also sprayed the word “BOYCOTT” onto the wall of the building in black paint, and quickly made their exit.
It was a monday morning. People would soon need their coffee to help them facilitate capitalism better, and McDonald’s would profit. The goal was to disrupt that as much as possible. While people in Kalamazoo enjoy a morning crappucino, people in Gaza don’t even have basic access to water – clean or dirty, thanks to corporations such as McDonald’s which directly support the Israeli bombings in Palestine. While people here can enjoy an egg mcmuffin and hashbrowns for breakfast, people in Gaza go hungry — 9 in 10 Gazans cannot eat everyday. If they do find food, it is likely moldly, expired, or otherwise unfit for consumption. While McDonald’s is hungry for profit, the world is hungry for freedom. The hope was to make the ongoing horrors in Palestine all too apparent to those who are complicit by supporting such businesses that aid in their continuation. Continue reading “Kalamazoo McDonald’s Vandalized for Palestine”