Flock Camera Destroyed in Welaunee in Solidarity With Camp Greyling Resistance

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A few nights back, the last remaining Flock camera near south Atlanta welaunee forest perimeter was destroyed in solidarity with Camp Greyling! While we fight the proposed construction of cop city, they fight the proposed expansion of a military training facility, & one of our common enemies, who are either investors, supporters, or both if cop city & camp greyling is Flock Security cameras. We oppose surveillance as a form of violence upon us, & though we have destroyed many, this is one of first written accounts; Flock has also helped incarcerate many of our dear movement friends & otherwise, so they must be stopped!
Do not concern yourself with merely painting these dam things, destroy them completely!
Death to all Flock Security Cameras, & death to the proposed Cop City & proposed Camp Greyling Expansion!
Love & Rage-
Some forest creatures