A new short zine (The Responsibility of Criminals) questioning how one acts under political persecution and certain risks of being a political criminal.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
A new short zine (The Responsibility of Criminals) questioning how one acts under political persecution and certain risks of being a political criminal.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
#FreeCaseyNow: On Casey Goonan and the Abandonment of Political Prisoners in the Pro-Palestine Movement
Casey Goonan is the only US political prisoner from the 2024 pro-Palestine student encampments. They are an abolitionist and anarchist who has dedicated themselves to multiple forms of prisoner support work and directly engaging with incarcerated comrades. The impact they’ve made inside is prevalent, as indicated by statements from their comrades Stevie Wilson and Hybachi Lemar. They’ve always pushed to ensure an understanding of Black struggle and revolt as central to their abolitionist work, and through understanding the totality of anti-Blackness the importance of an anti-police and anti-prison perspective was brought into any and all of their efforts towards liberation.
In June of 2024, they were arrested by a task force comprised of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in connection with an alleged direct action which took place in solidarity with the UC Berkeley encampments which had been brutalized by police and zionists earlier in the year* . If convicted, they could face up to 20 years in prison with a minimum sentence of 5. The investigation and court proceedings are currently ongoing but a non cooperative plea deal is pending in which Casey will plea guilty to one charge to allow additional charges to be dropped. This plea deal does not include information or testimony against anyone else.
While Casey has received a great amount of support from decentralized community in New York, Chicago, California, and elsewhere, the pro-Palestine movement needs to be publicly and actively supporting them. Right now, their primary accomplices are those who personally know them, those who prioritize prisoner support, and fellow anarchists. Despite vague assertions of the interconnectedness of repression and struggles between the American policing and prison apparatuses to that of Israel, there has been little material manifestation from that understanding within the US pro-Palestine movement. Meanwhile, coordinated struggle between prisoners and outside militants has been a key point of success for Palestinian liberation.
Along with others around the country, we invite you to join us in organizing festivals of resistance on the weekend of January 18, immediately before Donald Trump takes office. This is a crucial opportunity to engage in outreach, education, and action ahead of what it is sure to be a tumultuous time.
Once Trump takes power, it will only become more challenging to make connections with our neighbors, create the networks that we will need to face down his assaults, and share the skills we will need to survive his reign. Right now, we have a precious window of time in which to prepare. Let’s make the most of it. Continue reading “Festivals of Resistance: A Call for Gatherings the Weekend Before Trump Takes Office”
Last night, we visited the home of Milot Goci, a Lieutenant of UMPD. Twenty five years ago, Milot fled ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. Today, Milot is part of the machine that perpetuates the genocide in Gaza. He has overseen the brutalization and arrests of people protesting the University of Michigan’s funding of “israel” and the companies that are profiting from the blood of Palestinians.
We spray painted his garage with the words “GAZA = KOSOVO, FUCK12, FUCK DPSS” and broke a window of his house. We did this to remind those contributing to this genocide that so long as they continue doing so, they are not safe.
Fuck 12. Free Palestine
An interrogation is not a harmonious exchange between two individuals. It’s a conflict.
And in this conflict, our ignorance is our strength. Ignorance of the meaning of police work, ignorance of the manipulative techniques used, ignorance of the legal framework and, last but not least, ignorance of our means of defence.
In response to this observation, this book is intended as a tool for self-defense against police interrogation practices of interrogation.
You can find the PDF here:
and the article about here:
Evil Enbridge out of the Great Lakes! Shut Down Line 5 NOW! A noisy disruption swept through the cocktail reception of the LDC gas forum in Chicago. The 3 day forum consisted of talks from directors and players in the oil and gas industry, hype-ing false solutions like carbon capture technologies, and how to keep expanding the oil and gas industry further while we descend into a world of deeply uncertain futures as climate change reshapes and ravages ecosystems on a global level and biodiversity rapidly declines.
A group of people entered the hotel hosting the conference and crashed the attendee’s welcome reception of the 2024 LDC Mid-Continent Gas Conference. A banner with the words, “Enbridge Out of the Great Lakes, Shut Down Line 5 Now!” on one side and, “Evil Enbridge, Fuck Off!” on the other side was unfurled at the cocktail hour reception. People sang, and chanted with a bullhorn, played instruments, and left messages for Enbridge and other gas companies inside the hotel. After causing a ruckus inside, the group walked outside to the bar’s patio overlooking the Chicago River, and less than one mile from Lake Michigan, to “greet” more LDC conference attendees with noise, banners, and rowdy jeers. One person was arrested by the pigs for allegedly trespassing and released onsite.
Notably present, Enbridge, the pipeline company responsible for moving tar sands from Alberta, Canada to its conglomeration of pipelines surrounding the Great Lakes region, known as the “Lakehead pipeline system” hosted talks and presentations as a major contributor at the LDC gas forum. Enbridge directors even gave a girl-boss presentation named: “Empowering Women in Energy: Tomorrow is Together”, in an attempt to say their industry of death and destruction is at least inclusive to women and anyone else who wishes a oil & gas fueled speedy demise to human existence on this planet
Hark! Let it be known that on this 30th of October – Devil’s Night – we, the peasants of so-called Ypsilanti, have declared that we have HAD ENOUGH of landlords! The peasants have united to declare to Stewart Beal, Ypsi’s own Scrooge McSlumlord, that he is not welcome in our town.
To Stewart Beal, we say: FUCKETH YOU. No amount of wealth can protect you from our wrath.
You have left us serfs with garbage, so we left you with our garbage. Eggs on your stupid giant windows, rotten tomatoes all over your door and porch, and remnants of our chamber pots in the form of toilet paper all over your trees.
(We hear you are particularly terrified of Mountain Dew, so we hope you enjoyed the bottles we left.)
We were supported by the souls of those you have cheated, robbed, and killed. As we worked, gravestones sprang up across your lawn in memory not only of our collective security deposits and the rats that died in our walls, but also of those like Jeremy “Jake” Burd, the construction worker whose death you caused on May 11, 2015 through your cruel and callous disregard for the safety of not only your tenants but your employees.
The Ghosts of Christmas Past gave Scrooge a second chance, but the Ghosts of Devil’s Night and Halloween do not. Beal will know no comfort until he abandons his properties and makes reparations for his crimes. The peasants, renters, rough sleepers, toilers, and caretakers all live DESPITE what the city, police, and lords do to us– not BECAUSE of what they do for us. We do not need them. Until they are thrown off and everything they have stolen has been reclaimed… Every night can be Devil’s Night.
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
(more pictures in full post)
Continue reading “Devil’s Night Peasants Visit Slumlord Stewart Beal”
At the end of 2010 an individual act of despair in the town of Sidi Bouzid ignited a daring, enraged, and joyful upheaval that travelled through North Africa into the Middle East and beyond. People defied the oppressive systems they had been immersed in for generations and came together in the streets to topple the political elites at their helm. The authorities, at first stunned by this courageous spirit that they couldn’t understand, then unleashed a cynical and brutal response.
This defeat is still being inflicted on the people in the region, and is also felt all over the world by those who stood in solidarity with the uprisings but were mostly unable to overcome their powerlessness as the uprisings were massacred.
The horrors in the region during the last decade are many. To name some that stick most in my mind: Sisi has turned back the clock in Egypt to military dictatorship with the material support of the US. The regimes in the other North-African countries are paving over any sign of freedom while being coaxed by European countries to shut down the immigration routes over the Mediterranean. Without the murderous military campaigns of Hezbollah and the IRGC in Syria, Assad wouldn’t have survived the uprising. The Iranian regime itself brutally oppressed three different uprisings in the country in the last decade. Most people in Lebanon are in a daily struggle for survival because of the greed of its political leaders while mobs at the orders of Hezbollah beat down street protests. Early on in the uprisings, Hamas, who has shot political opponents in broad daylight on the streets of Gaza, culled attempts at an uprising by rounding up protest organizers and threatening them with murder. Leaders in the region understood once again that they can use any means against the populations under their control without real push-back from outside. Indifference, cynicism and opportunism trump moral appeals, and strategic alliances are always in play. The world churns on. For those of us who have not looked away, how can we not see a connection between Assad bombing Syrian cities into obliteration and Netanyahu razing Gaza? Continue reading “Towards Another Uprising”
“We will need each other to make sure that the flames, if they were to come, clear the area that we will live in together. We will need to clear it of the fuel that would end up repeating the problems we are currently having. We will need to make sure that the seeds, nutrients and soil are scattered beyond our ability to control.” Aragorn
We don’t just want a cease fire, we want the Right of Return for all Palestinian people, for water to flow, and the traditions to stay alive. We can’t get back the countless lives lost, but we can honor and avenge them. And we will.
For the end of the struggle that is settler colonialism everywhere. Where the land is stolen, consent violated, the old ways forgotten – let it burn.
We hope that every colonizer who robs the lives and dignity of the land and the people on it understands that their great-grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren’s children are not going to be here because of their violence and indeterminent destruction.
We will still be here fighting for the next seven generations, but we will never forget the slaughter, and we will remember to make sure those grandchildren stay afraid of all that is wild.
The united states government now “recognizes” indigenous people’s day alongside columbus day. we must make this impossible to reconcile. We will remain illegible to them, and unknowable to all but each other and the stars above, the water below, and all that of the earth fighting back. We call out to the brave and the humble – all that is striving towards life, while defying management, capture, and domestication with a strength they could never know.
find the connections, funders, manufacturers, advisors, politicians, gentrifiers, and all enemies of the people and the earth. you know who they are.
find some friends and haunt those motherfuckers ghosts
Anonymous submission to Unsalted Counter Info.
❤️🔥Let’s take care of each other so we can be dangerous together ❤️🔥
🍂Join us for a fall Chicago Anarchist CareShare, the weekend before the election on November 1-3!🍂
After over a year full of actions, disruptions and more, we are focusing on skillshares and group-faciliated sessions on care, in AND out of the streets.
What does it look like to care for ourselves and our people when we are not in the streets? What is care in times where people are reckoning with immense repression and dehumanization that comes with trying to confront the empire and all its entities?
While we don’t claim to have all the answers, we invite folks to engage in these questions with us.
Some skillshare workshops to look forward to are: care under stress, diaster relief and mutual aid work, long-term prisoner support, somatic exercises, operational and digital security culture, fighting toxic prisons, storytelling by the beehive collective, community and self defense, conflict resolution, storytelling around the bonfire and so much more! Continue reading “Upcoming Fall Chicago Anarchist CareShare: November 1-3”